So on January 14th 2011 I'll be doing my first gallery show at the Loose Canon Gallery in Hamilton. So I guess, come one, come all, and enjoy my somewhat sub par artwork, I promise it won't be overly terrible.
This is one of the many things I had on the go this week. I was asked to do a zombie peice, so I figured, instead of just showing the finished drawing, I would show a process shot, I use a pental brush pen for the bulk of my ink work.
So here is the last of my large format sketches ( cause I am out of the paper ) and since I love Jack Kirby, I decided to draw one of his characters, the one and only Mr Miracle.
As always this was done with, ink, ink wash, and water color.
So here is another oversized sketch. This time I decided to do Green Lantern, I only have a couple more sheets of this paper left, so I am trying to think of who else to draw, any suggestions ?
As always, this is done ink, ink wash, and some colored ink.
Here is another one of those large drawings, again like I said, I don't usually do sketches this big, but it's been kind of a fun change of pase, as always it's done in , ink and ink wash.
the first drawing is something I was just messing around with, it;s done on a large piece of 14x 17 bristol, I don't usually draw this large, but I thought, for the hell of it, try it, didn't turn out to bad, I may do some more large format drawings. The Second is just another page from my little 5x5 sketchbook, nothing crazy, just Big Barda, and Nexus.
Wow, it's been awhile since I have updated, lifes been busy with , moving, working on comissions, trying to get my comic ready to launch in the new year, and well my brothers wedding this weeknd. So to show that I am still alive, here is a quick Sketch Comission I did of good ole Superman, I honestly really enjoy drawing him, and for some reason, did the S really big..oh well, as always this is done in ink and ink wash.
So here are the inks for my Simpsons illo, as you can see, alot more characters have been added, and after getting the inks all finished up, I think I am going to try and fit a few more characters in those white spaces, just to fill it out even more, now all thats left to do is, erase and start on the water color/colored inks, so this thing should be done soon.
for the longest time Ive always wanted to do a big simpsons mash up illo, so the other night I decided to actually sit down and start it. so far the peice has about 20 characters, with more on the way, I don't usually show this part of my process, but I figured, what the hell why not. Once the pencil work is done, i will go in with inks, watercolor, and probably some colored ink, it's been fun trying to keep Groenings style and still letting some of my style come through, which I think will show more when I ink it. So hoefully I can finish this thing up in the next day or so.
about a week or so ago, I bought myself a small 5x5 Moleskin sketchbook, Ive been drawing in it like crazy since I got it, I really like these type of sketchbooks, alot of fun to draw in. So here are a few pages from the book.
Here is a quick Thor sketch I did while I was down visiting my parents for a couple days, it's also for my battles with good Ole Mike Laidman, done in Ink, and Ink wask.
To follow up my Black Keys sketch, I decided to do another set of musicians that I really dig, so enter John Spencer and Matt Verta-ray, better known as Heavy Trash. Ive loved thier music for awhile now, they are pure old school Rockabilly, and I suggest everybody to give them a listen, you will not be disappointed. So here is my quick sketch of the guys, expect more of these from me in the coming weeks.
The other night I was listening to my massive Black Keys play list, and well I felt like drawing Dan and Pat. So here is a quick sketch of the boys, I am thinking about turing this into a large painting when I have some spare time between my ever growing list of commissions and my comic. As always, this is done in Watercolor and ink, hope you dig.
Like I said in the previous post, myself and my good friend and comic comrade Mike Laidman do a weekly art battle, basically we choose a character and go to it, this weeks choice was Mikes , and he decided to go with good ol Galactus. At first I had no clue what to really do with him, so I just went with the classic Galactus pose, which is him just standing there. with the 45 minute time frame, I have to often scarafice some things, like Mike pointed out on his blog, I choose to put very little detail into his helmet to basically save on time, as well as I put very little pencil work into them, relying heavily on my inks, which sometimes can be tricky, not to mention the white pencil crayon was a gamble, but all in all a good battle, great choice Mike.
as usual this is done with Watercolor, ink, white pencil, and white out pen.
just thought i would plug the weekly art battles I do with my fellow comic comrade, and good bud Mike Laidman. Each week we choose a character, and go to it, the result is pretty cool, seeing both Mike and I's interpretation of the character, so head on over to so far we have done War Machine and Judge Dredd.
So again I have decided to start from scratch with a new blog, even with a new name for it, instead of " humedex " which everyone is used to, I wanted to use something abit more professional I guess, so now the blog is just called, and even though I have said this in the past, I'll try and post more on a regular bases.
here are some recent pics , to get this ball rolling.